Orders can be dropped in something like 24 hours from the subsequent you demand. We will charge a restocking cost of 4.99.00 USD on this dropping.

We don’t guarantee the dropping of solicitations during any period and we keep up with anything authority is expected to deal with your solicitation. Email us at support@officialweekndmerch.com to drop your solicitation.

Orders can be changed in something like 24 hours from the subsequent you demand.

You can’t have a considerable measure of cash got back except for if you have the going with case:

You don’t acknowledge your solicitation using any and all means.
It has not been 24 hours since you put in the solicitation!
We don’t guarantee assortment of orders during any period and we keep up with all power to manage your solicitation. Email us at support@officialweekndmerch.com to change your solicitation.